The Gal:
Samantha Chester

Major: English, Education
Year: Junior, 2011
Involvement: Delta Phi Epsilon, USGA senator
Hometown: Westchester, NY
Why is she this week’s hottie?
Sam works hard in everything she is a part of. She is very ambitious and very outgoing. Sam is always willing to make a new friend and take part in new experiences. As for the UNH community, Sam is always giving back. Thanks, Sam!
The Guy:
Nick Stevens

Major: Fire Science- Arson Investigation
Year: Junior, 2011
Involvement: Fire Science Club
Hometown: Buffalo, NY
Why is he this week’s hottie?
Nick is a great person! Some see him as shy, but others know him as someone who doesn’t shut up! Either way you know him, Nick is an amazing person with a lot of potential. According to one friend, “Nick is on his way places greater than most.” Nick Stevens is a great asset to any university club, office, or organization. Thanks for EVERYTHING, you do, Nick!