Returning Prato Students Not Being Tested Or Quarantined Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
In the wake of the University of New Haven’s recent decision to require all Prato students and faculty to return to the U.S., the university created a page on its website to keep the community informed. Students are not being quarantined or tested for the coronavirus upon their return, but students are not permitted to return to West Haven or Orange campuses until March 25.
The Charger Bulletin reached out to Doug Whiting, associate vice president for marketing and public relations and President Kaplan for comment on how the university is enforcing the current ban of returning students from the West Haven campus.
“We hope that all returning students will abide by this requirement; if we learn of students who do not, the university will address them on a case by case basis.” said Whiting.
In Kaplan’s email announcing the suspension of all Tuscany operations, he said that the Center for Disease Control and the U.S. State Department raised “travel and health advisory levels in all of Italy to warning level 3.”
It was announced yesterday that at least two individuals in Rhode Island who returned from a school trip in Italy are confirmed to have the virus. According to Boston 25 News, the number of cases in the U.S. “is expected to grow, and health agencies have ramped up efforts to identify those who may be sick.”
“Many on the campuses have expressed concerns about their own health and safety and we want to be respectful of that.” said Whiting.
According to the university website, “The CDC is not recommending testing, symptom monitoring, or special management for people exposed to asymptomatic individuals with potential exposure to coronavirus.” Whiting said that “returning students are not obligated to quarantine or self-isolate, nor are their families unless they become ill,” Students returning from Prato are encouraged to monitor their temperature and contact their primary care physician.
“A decision on whether or not to resume classes at the Tuscany campus will be made at a later date.” according to the university’s website. Students will have the option to complete their classes at the West Haven campus.

Jennifer is a senior majoring in English with minors in Communication, Technical Writing, and Criminal Justice. She is also a Writing Fellow at the university’s...