President Kaplan to Host Open Forum on Campus Climate

President Kaplan announced that another open forum would be held on Monday March 6 in the Alumni Lounge at 4 p.m. This is the fourth open forum to be held this school year.

“It has been brought to my attention that some students are feeling apprehensive about sharing their views, both in and out of the classroom, because of concerns that they may be judged by their peers. The open dialogue event on March 6 is an opportunity to talk about our campus climate, to examine how we can best share our diverse perspectives, and to explore ideas and initiatives that enhance and enrich our campus environment – and the many discussions that take place – for all students. You will also have the chance to voice other concerns you wish to bring to my attention,” Kaplan said in an email.

The first open forum, which was heavily attended, came days after a University controversy concerning Sheriff David Clarke, which aimed to air out differences students may have had on the issue. The second was a workshop focusing on campus climate and school policy, which saw slim crowds. The third was a combined audience of undergraduate and graduate student leaders and administrators.

If you are unable to make the forum, The Charger Bulletin will be live-streaming the event on our Facebook page.