The Gamma Epsilon chapter of Delta Phi Epsilon at the University of New Haven was founded on May 12, 2007. From 25

strong, independent women who sought to expand Greek life at the university came an organization of 60 unique women who now live by their founding principles of justice, sisterhood, and love.
Living by their motto, “Esse Quam Videri – to be rather than to seem to be,” the sisters are greatly involved both on campus and throughout the community, actively participating and encouraging service to both the community and society as a whole. Their philanthropies include The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders (ANAD), and the Delta Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation.
In the fall, the ladies put together their annual Deepher Dude competition to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Additionally, in the spring, they plan their “Healthy Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness Week,” to remind everyone that you should “measure your heart and not your waist.”
With 14 new members this semester, the lovely ladies of Delta Phi Epsilon continue to grow in numbers, while providing their members with positive experiences and opportunities for personal growth and leadership. Not only do they enhance the talents, strengths, and skills of their members, but they also prepare them to contribute to the world in the future.