The Lego Movie is a sincere and touching story that reminds us all about the simple joys in life in an Oscar level narration.
Did you ever think you would hear those words being said? As shocking as it may sound, that statement is entirely true. Coming into its opening week, The Lego Movie received a whopping 100% on Rotten Tomatoes as critics dare to compare this movie to the throne of Toy Story.
For me to tell you why this film receives so much praise would be a spoiler equivalent to releasing the Kraken. With that being said, I’m going to avoid any details we already know. The story follows Emett, played by Chris Pratt, as he fulfills a prophecy predicted by Morgan Freeman to save the Lego world from destruction by the hands of President Business, played by Will Farrell.
Along the way he encounters our favorite Lego Characters such as Dumbledore, Han Solo, Shaq O’Neill and, of course, Batman. The film delivers face-palm jokes and one-liners in their purest form; and it is hilarious.
If you are like me, and grew up playing with Legos, you will be stunned by the architecture the creators have built for this film. I can guarantee if you thought to build it by time you were 13 years old, it is in this film. The film really masters the charm of Legos in every way; it hits you like a truck with a bull’s eye right to the heart.
Maybe you won’t cry, but you will want to go home and pull out every bucket of Legos you have immediately. The Lego movie is a pure masterpiece from visuals, to humor, to heart. It is no wonder the studio gave a green light for the sequel just this past week.
I can’t speak too soon for the rest of the year, but I don’t think it’s a far-fetched idea for this film to get a Best Picture nomination, and no, I am not kidding. It is the must see film for the next few weeks.