University of New Haven students participated in Leadership Day Jan. 20, where professionals shared their experience and knowledge on how to become better student leaders.
Leadership Day was sponsored by the Office of Student Activities and was coordinated by Shelissa Newball, assistant director of student activities, with the help of OSA’s Leadership interns.
“Overall it went well, we had about 180 students attend and the speaker was good; he talked about the next steps to take as a leader and what it means to be a good leader,” said Newball.
Leadership Day started at 9:45 a.m. in Bucknall Theater with guest speaker Joshua Fredenburg, whose presentation was titled, “Are you a leader who is prepared to make an impact on the world?”
Fredenburg is a national keynote speaker, best-selling author and leadership, diversity and relationship expert.
To start his presentation, Fredenburg had everyone on their feet to recite a motivational positive affirmation. Early on he addressed a quote that he found eye-opening by Noel Jones: “Everytime a child is born, a solution is brought into the world.”
It is from this notion that Fredenburg aims to motivate people to become what they are destined to become and, according to his website, he has already reached thousands of emerging and seasoned leaders in over 42 different states nationally as a keynote speaker.
Fredenburg went on to explain four questions one should consider when becoming an effective leader. The first question was do you know thyself?
This means identifying your strengths, your gifts, your personality, your passion, your emotions and your intuitive intelligence. In regards to finding one’s passion he said, “Passion brings power; discover who you are and success is inevitable.”
The second question was do you have a heart of service?
This means as a leader, do you like to help others? Are you there to make an impact and make people better? Because greatness is everyday people doing things to make the world a better place.
The third question was are you an adaptable leader?
This means that you are accepting of change, you are willing to adjust and be flexible, and at the end of the day, it’s not about doing what’s comfortable, it’s about doing what is necessary to make an impact. “The moment you know everything is the moment you are set up to fail,” said Fredenburg.
The last of the four questions that Fredenburg explained to the audience was do you have exceptional character?
This means not only do you lead with morals and values, but are you responsible and accountable? Do you get the job done and do you meet those demands exceptionally? He quoted Howard Schultz when saying, “Without character, nothing else matters.”
With his fourth and final question he also pointed out the importance of developing this character and it is when you go through challenges that one’s character is developed, and when one has an exceptional character, they are protected from people who are trying to bring them down.
He wrapped up his speech by saying, when one is able to answer these questions, it is then that they can have an impact here (UNH), in their community, the nation, and the world.
More information about Fredenburg and his impact as a keynote speaker can be found at
After Fredenburg’s keynote presentation, the day followed with various workshops lead by professionals from the surrounding area or UNH community, and even some of UNH’s own student leaders.
As the day came to a close, everyone rejoined in the Alumni Lounge where those that attended were given a t-shirt and duffle or drawstring bag. • Sep 25, 2015 at 8:55 am
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