Jameson Glover: Student to Producer
Jameson Glover, a senior music industry major from Washington D.C., has released four original beats, four songs, and one music video. His first song, “Whatcha Waiting For,” was released in April 2017. As a producer, Glover goes by Jaes productions.
He explained that he began writing music towards the end of his sophomore year of high school as way to cope with a break-up.
“I started writing words of frustration and then I took those words to the piano, started making chords, and made a whole song out of it and I thought wow I feel better and I think I have a good song,” said Glover about how he began creating music. “I just wanted to continue that process.”
His most recent project, “Breathless,” was released on Oct. 5 as a music video. He began writing the project as early as freshman year, he officially began just this year, recording the song from January to March and the music video from April to May.
The music video gained a large amount of attention on campus, both positive and negative. He explained that some posters were ripped apart across campus when the video first came out.
“I didn’t let it bum me down,” he said. “It was still receiving a lot of traction.”
The video hit over 1,000 views in the first three days and currently has over 2,500.
Glover began writing “Breathless,” after he saw the movie Fruitvale Station about the Oscar Grant murder. Soon after he found out about the Trayvon Martin case and began even more angry and inspired to create the piece.
“It was brought home to me because it could happen to me,” he said. “All the hip-hop rappers just talk about drugs, sex, and money. I kind of wanted to do something different.”
Glover has an EP coming out Feb. 1 which has a more political theme similar to “Breathless.”
“The EP is revolved around different topics that are talked about within the black community,” he said. “So Black History month made perfect sense.”
He also has a video and his first single entitled “Throwin it Back,” coming out Jan. 4; all of his songs thus far have been collaborations.
“I’m a team player. I love collaborating with others because of the fact that they bring ideas that I wouldn’t have thought of and we bring out the best in each other and we create a better project,” he said on always working in collaboration.
He has not done any live performances yet and explains that he is still trying to find his sound and stage presence as an artist, which he is confident his EP will help with.
“I definitely want to do it when I have more singles,” he said about giving live performances. “Right now I am just trying to build my following.”
Looking to the future Jameson is not completely sure where he will end up after graduation but knows it has something to do with music. He has an interest in radio work as well as working to link music to film and says his focus right now is just the put out the best music he can while he is still here.
“I know I want to be a sing/songwriter/producer, definitely producer,” he said. “I don’t necessarily have a plan but I do have an idea.”
You can follow Glover for music updates on Instagram at @JAES Productions and on snapchat jdc_music.

Karina Krul is a senior marine biology major with a triple minor in psychology, political science and marine affairs. This is her fourth year with The...
Beverly • Dec 2, 2017 at 9:37 am
Congratulations Jameson!
You production works have made us very proud. Keep focusing on collaboration and sending real messages to the humanitarian world. Thank you for using your abilities to learn what it takes to make others feel the need to understand things that are different.
Malika • Dec 1, 2017 at 4:27 pm
Congrats and keep sharing your voice! You never know who you can inspire!
Arlene • Dec 1, 2017 at 12:59 am
It’s good to see intelligent young black men striving for what they want and going all the way.
Elayne Gomes-Battle • Dec 1, 2017 at 12:32 am
Jameson, thanks for sharing this great article about your successful college journey. IM still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you are already a senior!!!!! Keep up the great work and I wish you all the best with your music career!
Sandra • Nov 30, 2017 at 9:04 pm
So extremely proud of you and the incredible growth you have garnered as you continue to hone your craft. As I’ve always told you ,’love what you do and do what you love’ which MUSIC does for you. Continue to dream BIG and do not stop @ NO. You are the steward of your success …Keep On, reach that higher ground & let nothing or no one turn you around. The sky is truly the limit ,have what you want & be who you are meant to be.