When David Janovsky ‘14 began his freshman year at the University of New Haven, he knew exactly how he wanted to make his mark: create a video showcasing the unity of UNH’s diverse community. Thus, the idea of the “It Gets Better” video was born. Its message: to acknowledge that everyone goes through the same issues in life, and although everyone is different, whatever they are going through will get better.
“We all have hard times in life, but we can still push forward,” Janovsky said.
The compilation of peer-to-peer encouragement took four years of planning, and finally got its kick start in the USGA Embracing Differences Committee, of which Janovsky and junior Connor Briggs are co-chairs.
On Friday, March 6, dozens of students, RSOs and campus offices gathered near the Maxcy TV studio to finally film the “It Gets Better” video. Communication Club co-sponsored the event and filmed all the students. President Joe Brown described preparations for the night as “a whole club effort,” from lights to crowd control and production.
“I like how the UNH community is able to come together for a great cause,” Brown said.
Brianna Quillo (above) poses with her handmade sign at the “It Gets Better” video filming night.
Senior Isaak Kifle shared how he has seen “more noticible diversity” on campus since he started in 2010, and that the “It Gets Better” video is the next positive step for the university.
Filming the video was not a short task by any means. For two hours, student groups and organizations were led into the TV studio to record their messages. Several individuals waiting to be called shared their views on the project.
Embracing Differences Committee member, Dallas Newcomb, said this event really is for all college students, because everyone going to college feels what it’s like to leave home and search for a place where they belong.
Freshman, Brianna Quilla, brought along a handmade sign with the words “You are all perfectly imperfect! It gets better, UNH” written on the front.
She said the saying is part of the anti-bullying campaign she wants to bring to the university.
As the final students trickled out of the TV studio, Janovsky breathed a sigh of relief. Reflecting on the previous hours, Janovsky said “I’m just so proud to be a Charger. We are a family. We care to stand up for something greater than anyone could imagine.”
The “It Gets Better” video is scheduled to premiere at the March 28 USGA meeting.
Janovsky hopes people watch the video when they are ever having a bad day to build up the power to keep going.