If I Stay, which features the very prevalent Chloe Grace, had me hooked by its trailer, but what had been a very highly anticipated movie outing turned into cinematic disappointment.

The movie is propelled forward by a car accident that puts the main lead, Mia, in a state of mystical comatose as she, like an apparition, follows her physical body in the aftermath of her traumatic event.
First off, putting aside the fact that this movie is based off a book, one has a hard time following the flow of the movie as it twists and turns from the present dilemma to past memories of boyfriends, family encounters and so on. Not only were these transitions not smooth, but the timeline gets a bit confusing as well.
Coupled with its lack of attention to time-line details, certain scenes seem to emphasize only one of the main characters point of view, which at times leaves the audience more than confused as they struggle to understand just why the main male lead keeps switching from being supportive and cool to distant and irritating.
Still, if you are a fan of grotesquely cliché and cheesy one liners, then this movie provides more than enough for your annual splurge.
The only saving grace in the film is the music, an abundantly strong element in the plot, as rock and classical are craftily woven together.
Another element this movie does well, is show the family dynamic. Mia’s parents are genuine punk rockers, and her little brother aspires to follow in their footsteps; this propels Mia to be even more unique and interesting, as she is a classical music junkie.
However, I felt like Grace is a tad bit over qualified for a movie as under achieving as this one. I recommend you save your money.