By Anonymous
Its 5:59a.m. you have five different tabs open and your imaginary bow by your side, once six o’clock hits you start working like a mad person to get at least one class before the system crashes. And a minute later boom Matrix is down. An hour later you’re only registered for two classes and you’re about to throw your computer out the window. About two hours later, maybe even longer, once you are at least in the classes you need you’re ready to crawl back into your bed and sleep the day away. There is no denying that there is a problem with class registration and the matrix system itself the only question is how do we fix it before it turns into a real battle?
There are a few aspects of class registration that work and should be kept in place. Athletes should be the first group to pick because they have to make their classes fit with their practice time. Why don’t we just add to this concept? What about the commuters, and students with almost eighteen credits? Some commuters have to take the bus or train in order to get to class every day, and then because of the registration setup they may get stuck with an eight a.m. class then not another one till six p.m. what are they going to do during that gap? Sit around and twiddle their thumbs?
Another group that should be able to register earlier is the students that have to organize about five different classes along with labs to fit within a week. A solution to this could be really simplistic, I’m not saying that they should be able to sign up for classes a week early like the athletes or honors students instead maybe just a hour or a half an hour before their normal class time. So if they wanted to take advantage of getting a head start on class sigh up they could by waking up at an earlier time.
One of the most obvious problems that deals with class registration is Matrix itself. The fact that we spend a decent sum of money to attend this school, yet still we have a system that crashes more often than it works is obnoxious. The system should be able to work when we need it, also we are a small school there are maybe two thousand people per grade and once you take out all the athletes and honors students there is much less people signing up for classes at one time. If a new system is out of the question why not make a cart system for when you are signing up. You could put all of the classes that you need into one cart and with one click you are in all of your classes, so you no longer have go thorough each class separately and by the end be ready to pull your hair out.