Guiding First-Year Students with Mentor Program

Guiding First-Year Students with Mentor Program

The Getting Undergraduates Involved Development and Experience Program began this year as a new mentorship program under the Undergraduate Student Government Association. G.U.I.D.E. connects first-year students to create meaningful mentorship relationships with upperclassmen. This mentorship helps ease the transition to college life while establishing valuable skills for success and leadership.

Committee members of the program will serve as mentors for students that partake in the program. The program is primarily focused on fostering small one-on-one relationships.

“Committee members will have to stay in constant communication with their mentees, while creating a safe space for them to feel comfortable with the University of New Haven as well as USGA,” said Nick Mroczka, the USGA Vice President of Operations and overseer of the program. “It’s kind of a hard transition, we thought that we should have a committee that serves as an ease to that transition.”

There is not method used for pairing first-year students and mentors, as of now it is a completely random process. In the coming years students will be paired based on similar majors to help with classes and introduce them to people in their respective departments.

“We’re going to match [mentors] up with any first-year student who expresses interest and can show them leadership opportunities, help them with the Center for Student Engagement, Leadership and Orientation, USGA and the school,” said Mroczka.

Those who serve as mentors work on a volunteer basis and do not receive any remittance for participating in the program but Senators and the top twenty percent RSO’s need to serve on committee.

“This is generally the one that they’ve chosen and they’ve asked me because as a leader you’re always looking to foster other leaders. When you graduate the school, you’re looking for people who can fill your shoes but you’re also looking for people who can fill them better,” said Mroczka.

Annasse Rajeh, a USGA Senator, has expressed interest in the program. He is looking forward, not only to helping new students, but for the intrinsic benefits of the program.

“I am beyond excited to be paired with a new student. I would be happy to know I made someone’s collegiate experience more insightful and less confusing,” Rajeh said.  

Mroczka said he remembered when he first came to college and how the transition was difficult for him.

“It was really hard for me to just branch out and make friends. I have a feeling if this program was there for me, I would have appreciated it so I wanted it to be there for other first-year students,” he said.

Any first-year students interested in the program and who may want a mentor can reach out to Mroczka at [email protected] or any member of USGA.