Watch an entire series on Netflix:
This is your chance to indulge guiltlessly on primetime television. There aren’t any classes to worry about, any schoolwork to slave away over, and nothing to procrastinate. Whether it is, How I Met Your Mother, Grey’s Anatomy, Lost, or the Office — do it. Sit on the couch or lie in bed and watch episode after episode shamelessly. Netflix gives you ten seconds in between episodes—in those ten seconds, don’t second guess yourself; click straight to the next episode, and don’t feel guilty about it. Catch up on all the series you started during the semester, but never finished, and start a new series that all your friends are talking about.
Work 30+ hours a week: Return to your old seasonal job. If you didn’t have an old seasonal job, get one. Work, and work a lot. You have nothing better to do anyway (besides catch up on Netflix). Save every penny you make in hopes that, come early April, you won’t have to call home, begging your mother to transfer you a few dollars.
Hang out with your friends from high school: Yes, even the ones you didn’t like all that much. Maybe things have changed since high school; maybe the kid from your social circle that was immature grew up a little. Or maybe he didn’t, and if that’s the case, have a good laugh and be glad that you no longer have to see him everyday.
Spend time with your family: You never see them during the semester, so take this month and half to bond with your family. Learn the recipe to the tomato sauce your mom’s been dying to teach you. Go to that hockey game with your dad, and watch Breaking Bad from start to finish with your younger brother (yes, on Netflix!). Spend as much time with them as your work schedule will allow, because you’ll miss them once you’re back in your dorm, with only your chemistry books.
Read: When was the last time you read a really good book, just because you wanted to? Lose yourself in a book on the New York Times bestseller list, or waste your time reading a smutty romance novel. It’s important to exercise your brain, and what better way to do that then by re-reading a Harry Potter book?