Midnight, Thursday, Oct. 24, we were blessed with the first trailer to Captain America: The Winter Soldier. It starts off with Cap and Black Widow exchanging some witty and humorous dialogue until Cap skydives without a parachute. Yeah, he is that awesome.

The tone immediately shifts to showing us the darker and more personal side of this film, which seems to be consistent with the rest of the Marvel phase two films. As speculated, it deals with Cap trying to cope with modern society’s ethics, values and morals, and coming to accept that his world, family and friends are long gone.
Let me first note the things that have changed: Scarlet Johansen’s hair is long and pin straight, but who cares? She’s still attractive. A big change is the suit. Before you go ballistic, “OMG they changed it, that’s not it!” you’re wrong. It is straight from the early 2000’s comics, so yes, they are still being faithful. Plus, every time we see these characters in the movie, the suit changes anyway, so I don’t mind it, but if you’re really upset, watch two minutes of the trailer when he puts on the WWII suit.
For those who haven’t seen it, its solid navy blue with the red and white stripes taken off, and the star is surrounded by silver lines going out to the shoulder. It definitely looks more slick and serious, again going well with the tone.
Now let’s talk about the name in the title: The Winter Soldier. They take the initiative to keep his face hidden so you don’t get a clear look at him. You also don’t see him until the end of the trailer, but when you do see him, he looks great. Straight out of the comics, detail for detail, he looks identical to the drawings. My only gripe with it is that he didn’t seem significant enough in the trailer. Now, granted it’s the first trailer and marketing will surely build him up, I just hope they don’t lose sight of that since his name is in the title. Needless to say that’s not as much a worry as it was a thought. We do see a bone-chilling shot of him during the last frame as he catches the shield and stares over it with his viper stare.
My diagnosis: It’s awesome. It’s exciting and I can’t wait to see more. I do feel like the first trailer for Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World had me a little more anxious than this one, but that’s still like saying, “Who’s the worst player on Canada’s national hockey team.” Go find this trailer on YouTube; it’s sure to get your engine revving.