WEST HAVEN–Every week I, on behalf of the RECSports program, write an article about what’s going on in RECSports and in RECSports only. Yet the here at the Beckerman Recreation Center there are a variety of other programs and activities offered by Campus Recreation. So this week I’d like to take the opportunity to enlighten the UNH community on the new programs offered and the updates made on original programs.
Campus Recreation has always provided group fitness classes, but due to popularity the number and types of classes have increased over the semesters. Debuting this semester, “Dance and Define” is offered on Monday and Wednesday nights from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Taught by Wes this class defines your body through dance and is already the hottest class offered in the Group X family. Group X…what is that? Group X is the new universal name for all the regular fitness classes offered at the Beckerman Recreation Center including AbSolution, Bootcamp, Zumba, Booty Call, Spin, Body Blitz and more. Note, however, that the Group X classes should not be confused with the instructional programs such as Ballroom Dancing, Capoeira, etc. that students had the opportunity of sampling during Demo Week (Feb. 2-Feb. 6). The instructional classes are another program offered at the Beckerman Recreation Center, and added to the set of existing classes offered this semester comes Safety Training, which includes various CPR classes.
On top of all of the fitness and instructional classes, the Spring Weight Loss Challenge is back this semester and is better than ever. This challenge is a competition to lose the most weight by percentage. Please understand that it is unhealthy to starve yourself or be abusive to your body in order to lose weight. This program is only designed to motivate you to live a healthy lifestyle and reach a healthier physical state. To that effect the Spring Weight Loss Challenge calls for teams of two to six people who exercise and participate in weekly weigh-ins to mark their progress. Also participants will be offered an educational class (Weight Loss 101) on how to lose weight safely and while staying healthy. There is even more offered and provided in this year’s challenge, so I hope you had the opportunity to sign up. If not, look for this program next spring.
If the class-style fitness isn’t for you then check out our new personal training program. Campus Recreation now has four certified personal trainers who are available for either a fitness assessment or an actual training session. For more information please check out our website www.newhaven.edu/chargerrec and look under the fitness and wellness section for more details. As always we urge everyone to check out the full website for all program, activity, and facility information.
Now that you know what a little bit more about what else Campus Recreation has to offer outside of RECSports, we encourage everyone to come out and enjoy all the fun!