Bergami Construction Delayed Due to Parking Rule
In fall of 2017, President Steve Kaplan predicted that construction for the new Bergami Center for Science and Innovation would begin in the spring. But that timeline has been moved back a few months due to the trouble the university has had finding replacement parking for the 225 spaces it will lose in the Kaplan lot.
According to a Certificate of Decision from the West Haven Planning & Zoning Commission, the university must present a plan for replacement parking, including proposed use of each additional property and identification of excess parking to support the needs of the university in order to receive the building permit.
“We think we have a plan that is sufficient, and the city will approve it,” Kaplan said.
Kaplan said that there will be construction beginning this summer mainly on Buckman Hall for infrastructure that will also support the new building.
The original projection was to have the building ready for the beginning of fall semester 2019, but Kaplan said the plan now is to have it ready “sometime during the semester, which is OK with this building because it’s just going to add space.”
Kaplan said that the shuttle services will also be improved alongside the search for new parking. Shuttles will be in a continuous loop around all adjacent parking, One Care Lane, Forest Hills, the Atwood, etc.
Back in the fall, Kaplan noted that there would eventually need to be additional parking once the Kaplan Lot is replaced. He said this month that the university is constantly looking at acquiring property and leasing property for parking but did not give details as to where due to current negotiations. But the parking to replace Kaplan will be the first to come.
“Every space that is taken out of the so-called ‘Kaplan Lot,’ nothing to do with me, will have to be replaced somewhere that’s obviously accessible for students, although it’s not going to be miles away, it’ll be somewhere near the campus,” he said.
Glenn Rohrbacker is a junior at the University of New Haven studying communications with a concentration in journalism and minors in Political Science...