The Farewell
Relationships are very tough. They involve dedication, honesty, commitment, and love. They are tough, but they are so rewarding. When you build that connection between you and someone else it seems utterly unbreakable, and a bond like that is so precious to have. They can be straining at times and you’ll get into fights or disagreements and feel like it’s the end of the world, but it won’t be. If for some reason your relationship ends it can be heart breaking; you will probably cry a lot and a million questions will generate in your mind, but there will always be something else waiting around the corner. There are a million relationship clichés that you’ll be fed in a lifetime, but I’d like to give my outlook on the ones you hear the most.
“My heart skips a beat when I see you.” The number one cliché of all romance clichés on the market that sounds so entirely corny until you actually experience it. When you’re away from your special someone for so long and when you see them you literally lose your breathe for a minute and your body has this “I’m so in love,” reaction.
“Fluttering butterflies.” Even the manliest of all men can experience these when they’ve found the right person. These little skips and dances that happen in your stomach when you have that amazing first, second, and third kiss make you believe the person you are with could be the one. If you’re a gut-instinct kind of person like me, then you’ll go by these butterflies with the start of any relationship, and if the butterflies stop completely, you’ll know something is wrong. Not only can butterflies feel amazing, but they can also be a good indicator of where your relationship is heading.
“There are so many fish in the sea.” This is a statement that is very true but annoys me to my core. No one wants to hear that there are a million more options out there when they have just lost the one they love. Not to mention just because there are a million fish in the sea, doesn’t mean you want to catch them all. Some fish are worth leaving to swim on their own.
“They don’t deserve to see you cry.” While true, it is almost impossible to keep your emotions at bay when you have a broken heart. Though some people may tell you that your ex doesn’t deserve to see what they’ve done to you, I could argue that they do. If there was any real love there in the first place then being honest and wearing your emotions on your sleeve is the only way you can come to some sort of closure. Whether or not that closure is getting back together, or never speaking again, it’s good to let your ex know exactly where you’re at and how you’re feeling because chances are they could be feeling the same thing.
“This is the final Ask Melanie.” You’re right… this isn’t a cliché, but I wanted to find a clever way to roll into my closing statement. Unfortunately, this is the final Ask Melanie and I want to take this time to thank all of you for your amazing questions and letting me into your personal lives each week. I really hope that my column has helped at least some of you on your relationship journeys because college can be the hardest time to keep a healthy relationship going. At the end of the day you need unconditional love; from that comes trust, honesty, unspoken compromises, and everything that fuels a healthy relationship. I wish nothing but the best for all of your future romantic endeavors.
Love & Happiness.