A Panel on Women’s Leadership
A panel discussion, Women in Leadership, was hosted in the Alumni Lounge on Thursday, March 9. The panelists included Kathy Townsend, director of resource development and communications for the Boys & Girls Club, Dr. Tracy Tamborra, associate professor, Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice & Forensic Sciences, and Samantha Moul, USGA President.
This discussion was focused on a handful questions like, “what obstacles have you faced while pursing your leadership role?” The panelists talked about how you do not need to give into something just because people tell you to, and to stand up and take the loss if it is not something you agree with. Also, the panel said as women, not getting support from male leadership is a struggle and women need to stop second guessing themselves in comparison to men. A panelist explained how men will make mistakes and not apologize, and women feel the need to apologize way too often. Their advice was to speak out, and be the change that you want to see. One panelist said to value justice, not money and status, and that will help you to avoid obstacles.
One panelist focused on how we have to constantly keep proving ourselves, and that is not the way it should be. There are expectations that are told to us, and we cannot give into them, she said, adding that women must find strength in resiliency to feed into those expectations. The panelists said how sometimes women do not support other women like how men always seem to support other men. This is why there’s a challenge in leadership roles, according to one panelist.
Another question that they focused on was, “Do you feel like you have a responsibility to lead by example?” The panelists spoke on how they hope that women see the greatness within themselves through seeing a female leader. Also, that they like to inspiring other women indirectly so they know they can do it. As a female leader, it is important to be a woman who is fully confident in front of other women, they said. One panelist said she is sometimes a role model when not trying to be one, but by just trying to do what is right.
The panelists closed the discussion on how a good leader never gives up, and never stops learning. They stay on a constant learning curve, stay hungry for knowledge, do not ever get too comfortable. They advised their fellow women to figure out who they want to be and find your guiding principles, and stick to them.
We all want the same things: safety, security, and prosperity. The panelists ended by saying to connect with people on the beauty they see in the world, and fight for a cause, no matter who you it is or who you are.

Christina is a junior studying communication-journalism and English-writing. This is her second year as the community engagement editor, and her freshman...