On Sunday, September 11, the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, a candlelight vigil was held in the Bixler-Botwinik quad. The event began at 8:00 p.m. and while initially the crowd was
scattered and everyone was milling around in the quad, as soon as UNH professor Marty O’Connor began to speak, everyone’s attention was focused on the podium. Following a brief introduction, members of Army ROTC marched to the front and UNH student Tyler Prigionieri sang the national anthem.
USGA President Scott Kazar, UNH Police Chief Mark DeLieto, as well as two other UNH students all spoke briefly, whether to recall personal impact or to recite the Fireman and Police Officer’s prayer. The brevity of the speakers helped to reinforce professor O’Connor’s key point that the point of gathering the community together is not to listen to long speeches, but to remember. Remember those who have been lost either in the attacks or in the current armed conflicts, and remember those who continue to fight in the military and serve in our emergency services.
The vigil concluded by gathering around a special set of memorial candles in the middle of the quad. Everyone in attendance was given a flag and candle for the ceremony, and at this point everyone held their candle high and began to plant their flags in the ground surrounding the memorial candles. Over 350 students, faculty, staff, and members of local fire departments attended the vigil. Such an impressive turnout shows that the statement on the pins that were given out is true, “UNH Remembers.”