Fraternity Recruitment
This past week was recruitment week for four fraternities on campus. The fraternities, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Kappa Gamma Rho, Sigma Chi, and Alpha Phi Delta, all held various events throughout the week and ultimately extended bids to their new members.
With the University’s snow day on Thursday, all of the fraternities were required to cancel their activities. While the cancellation of these activities did provide a bit of a challenge for the fraternities, Kappa Gamma Rho President Brandon Miller said it was “the right call by the school.”
For Sigma Chi, the cancelled activities meant that they did not get to do their formal interviews of the prospective members; however, they chose to attempt to combine these interviews with the Sigma Series.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon chose to double up on activities Wednesday night to make sure everyone still got to experience all of their events; however, this meant that these events had to be shorter than they would have been normally.
Instead of changing their other nights to accommodate the snow storm, Kappa Gamma Rho chose to simply cancel a night’s events and not squeeze the event in elsewhere.
All of the events hosted by the fraternities throughout the week were open to anyone who wanted to come, with the exception of Friday, which was each fraternity’s bid day.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s events included Monster mini-golf, dodgeball, speed dating and an informational meeting for the new members. Due to the snow, they had to combine speed dating and the informational meeting.
Kappa Gamma Rho’s events consisted of a game night, sports on Kayo field, and dodgeball. Miller said that these events “were chosen to try and keep everyone up and active and doing stuff” as well as to “keep the conversation flowing.”
Sigma Chi ran a pool hall event, an informational meeting and Sigma Series. All of the events were decided upon by the individual fraternity’s recruitment committees. Member, Mario Mock, said that the events were chosen to “be fun and help the potentials to get to know the brothers and vice versa.”
These three fraternities all extended varying amounts of bids to their new members and are all excited to welcome their new members.
Sigma Chi extended the most bids at 21 bids to new members. Mock said, “more people come out for spring recruitment than fall” in his experience due to the eligibility requirements from the University (being on campus for one semester and having a GPA of 2.5 or higher). Having more people come out for recruitment may explain the high amount of bids extended by Sigma Chi.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon extended 12 bids, and member, Nash Khairi said, “every potential who came out were amazing dudes,” he also encouraged anyone who did not receive a bid to come out again at another time.
Kappa Gamma Rho extended 5 bids. Miller said “for us at least, we saw a decrease in numbers” which may or may not be related to the new mandatory information session; however, “the week was still a success!”
On Saturday, Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s new members were initiated into the fraternity, while Sigma Chi and Kappa Gamma Rho’s new members still have to go through a pledging process.
Alpha Phi Delta also had their recruitment week, which included activities from bowling to a night at Buffalo Wild Wings. The week, overall, was a success and all fraternities are looking forward to what the future holds!

Caitlin is a freshman pursuing a degree in Communications with a concentration in Television Production. She is a member of the Chargers Marching band...