Why All Dorm Buildings Need Air-Conditioning

If you live in any of the dorm buildings on campus—with the exception of Bergami or Soundview—then you know what it’s like to wake up in the middle of the night at the beginning of the school year slick with sweat. You know what it’s like to be uncomfortable in your own skin and you know what it’s like to seriously contemplate moving to Alaska.

The fact of the matter is that dorm rooms get ridiculously hot—the kind of hot that’s a raging, fiery inferno of heat waves and sticky humidity—and as human beings on planet earth (and as college students paying a lot of money for school), we need air-conditioners or central air systems to keep us safe and cool during the month and a half of summer we have left as we acclimate ourselves to the new school year. Get Air Conditioner Installation and Replacement experts to get your systems serviced.

Here’s a list of reasons why all dorms need air-conditioning:

It’s a hazard not to have A/C: It truly gets too hot during this time of year. The rooms feel like ovens, and sometimes, if you don’t drink enough water, you start to feel woozy and uncomfortable. Dealing with this heat can be more than uncomfortable, though; it could lead to much bigger problems, like heat stroke.

It’s harder to function when it’s hot: When you’re hot, you don’t want to do anything, meaning the homework you have won’t get done, those boxes in the corner still won’t get unpacked and you won’t be getting to your workout today. When it’s hot out, you barely have enough energy to get the pop tarts all the way over in the kitchen, let alone write that eight to ten page paper.

It’s harder to look good: This one is mostly for the girls on campus—guys, you have it easy. One of the hardest things to do in the heat is straighten your hair. The next hardest thing is putting on your makeup. The sad reality is no one looks good with frizzy hair and smeared makeup, and air conditioning would greatly help with the daily process of getting ready. For repairs you can contact experts from SoCal Climate Control of LA.

It’s harder to get to sleep: Everyone knows what it’s like to toss and turn at night in a hot a room; the sheets sticking to your sweaty body with each turn. It’s harder to fall asleep when the air is heavy with sticky humidity, and no one wants to wake up in a puddle of sweat after barely sleeping four hours.

The walls sweat and decorations don’t stay: Self-explanatory. We spend endless amounts of money to decorate our dorms and make them as welcoming as we possibly can, but when the humidity becomes unbearable, the walls begin to sweat, and slowly but surely, all of our calendars, dry erase boards and posters wilt and eventually fall off.