Take Time for Self-Care

College is an opportunity for new experiences, and possibilities. Many students at the university take advantage of every aspect on campus through the endless career, educational, social, and athletic opportunities. It can be difficult to juggle more than one of these things for some students, and finding time for oneself, to escape them.
Self-care is one of the most important aspects of being a college student. Students come from different walks of life and may deal with various responsibilities. The weight of coursework alone can make a student feel swamped and anxious.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), 40 million U.S. adults suffer from anxiety, and 75 percent of them experience their first episode by the age of 22. Stress interferes with finding a maintained and balanced lifestyle, but with practices of self-care, that stress can be minimized.
When a student feels overwhelmed or drained, he or she should surround themselves with love by taking a break from homework, or cramming, and hang out with friends. Placing people around you who care, will give you a boost of confidence, and push you to finish a paper or project.
Remember to take breathers in between, especially if a tough assignment is frying your brain. While cramming for an assignment, treat yourself to a good meal. Giving yourself brain food will not only boost your energy, but puts self-care first. Having better eating habits go a long way.
Senior Najaya Royal said, “Eating is important because how can you focus on your work when you’re hungry. Food is a very important part of making sure you perform at your best.”
Sometimes as millennials we want to show the world that we can do it all. Taking on a number of passions and crafts is hard work, but it’s important to take everything one day at a time and make time to relax.