See Greek Life’s Best at the Fraternal Excellence Showcase

The Fraternal Excellence Showcase was put on by Greek interns from the Center for Student Engagement, Leadership and Orientation on Tuesday (April 25) to show the campus community why Greek life is important, and to realize what it is all about.

Greek Life showcased how they give back to the community, and had campus administrators come judge to see them on the level of what they do and not what people just think they do. University of New Haven students and other members of the campus community came into the Alumni Lounge to see what the different Greek organizations were presenting.

This event is something that went on a couple of years ago, and they wanted to bring it back.

“It’s really uplifting to see this showcase go on 3 weeks before I graduate, and know that I’m leaving a community behind better than I found it, and that the Greek life is very wonderful,” said Val Luutran, Greek intern.

The different Greek organizations each had to present a different aspect of their chapters.

“This showcase is really important to Phi Sig because we do a lot of leadership on campus, and want to show our effort of improving the campus community as a whole,” said Penny Lane, sister of Phi Sigma Sigma.

“Community Service is a big part of what Sigma Alpha Epsilon stands for, we have a minimum requirement, 15 hours minimum each semester. Most brothers double and triple that to where we have had over 2,100 hours for this year so far. We try to preach that’s is something you should want to do. It’s a good time to bond with brothers and give back to the community,” said Brian Hurley, and Matt Lind, brothers of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

Alpha Phi Omega, service based fraternity, presented their Continued Membership Development. They highlighted how recently they hosted a conference to offer a place for the chapter to discuss business and developmental leadership skills.

“Being community service based, we highly value what we do for the campus and community. As a chapter we have done over 1600 hours of services. It’s a good way to make a difference in the world around us, and also to learn more about ourselves and about others,” said Emily Haynes, brother of APO.

Lambda Pi Upsilon, showcased their strong relations to other Greek organizations on campus. They have done lots of co-sponsorship this year to get to know brothers and sisters of different orgs on campus. They host lots of events on campus to bring the Greek community together.

“Upsilon Hoopla is an annual event, food and outdoor games, to give a familiar environment to get to know us in a casual setting. We also like to do more socials with the orgs on campus to get to all know each other. Multicultural Greek Council is planning on doing one social for all of them, and to show that it’s always there for us and up and running,” said Daniella Molina.

She also mentioned how members that sit on executive boards for various other organizations aid in establishing connections for collaboration. She explained the connection they also have to organizations outside of the campus community in order to make an impact in the Greater New Haven community.

The administrators that came to see the showcase really got to see what Greek Life brings to our campus, and the many different organizations there are and what they do.

“It was great to be able to hear from many of the organizations. Personally, it was nice to see the pure number of Greek organizations there are and the different types of activities they’re involved with. Campus obviously wouldn’t be the same without them,” said Andy Beardsley, associate director of athletics for internal operations.