Movember, is when men and women across the globe join together to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues – more specifically prostate cancer. The men of the Movember team start out the month clean-shaven. For the rest of the month, they will selflessly groom and trim their Mo’s (Australian slang for mustache and where the campaign began) for the cause.
In the US, all the funds raised during Movember go towards prostate cancer research through the Prostate Cancer Foundation and support services for men battling cancer through the LIVESTRONG Foundation. The funds help improve diagnostic and prognostic tests, further research into health policy, and survivorship initiatives.
The mustaches serve as the ribbon for men’s health issues that often get pushed aside by bigger campaigns. Women, aka Mo-sista’s, and the other folliclely challenged, can support the campaign by raising funds and educating others about the health risks men face and ultimately encourage men to act on that knowledge.
The Movember campaign is going on strong on UNH’s campus. Be on the look out for information tables, bake sale’s, and an end of the year Mo party. Anyone can join the team by logging on to, search University of New Haven, and simply sign up. For more information, please contact Movember team captain, Ryan Brousseau at [email protected].