The Sundance Award winning movie Whiplash induces an intense cringing reflex that one experiences when hearing nails on a chalk board.
Miles Teller and J.K. Simmons are the perfect duo to carry out this emotionally intense drama. Teller plays Andrew, an aspiring percussionist at one of the most prestigious music schools in the country.
In his pursuits, he stumbles upon Terrance Fletcher, a well-known musician and head of an elite ensemble in which Andrew becomes a core percussionist. Andrew soon realizes, however, the dark and emotionally traumatizing methods Fletcher uses to push (or in some cases, psychologically impair) his students to propel them past their limitations.
If there is no other reason for seeing this movie, watch it for the detrimental chemistry of Teller and Simmons. More times than not, they have the ability to clinch onto your senses of empathy and compassion towards others and agonizingly wear it down to your core. Despite the unethical methods Fletcher uses to push his students, Andrew lets himself become consumed more and more by Fletcher’s rotten nature and rejects sustaining anything remote of a personal life outside of Fletcher’s ensemble. The tension between these two tears the audience’s heartstrings right out.
Writer/Director Damien Chazelle Writ makes the audience question the nature of motivating people to achieve their personal best in their dreams. He definitely challenges the current “everyone gets a trophy” mentality used throughout the country to encourage kids to try their best.
Fletcher clearly represents the extreme other end of using anger and emotional venom when pressuring a person whose only choices are breaking down and quitting or excelling further than ever ever imagined.
Andrew is supposed to be the red flag that begs the question: Where is the line drawn? Andrew is reminiscent of Natalie Portman’s portrayal of an obsessed ballet dancer in Black Swan.
As he slowly becomes more dependent of being in the ensemble, his obsession rises fast and loud with a crescendo towards the exhilarating climax at the end. Whiplash will undoubtedly satisfy the price of ticket.