MIC Fall Fest Preview
What do four bands and a cupcake truck have in common? They will all be at Fall Fest on Oct. 14th, which will be hosted by the Music Industry Club (MIC) . Starting at 3 p.m. in the Bixler/Gerber Quad, there will be food, games, and fun. During this time, the co-sponsors will have tables in the quad. Co-sponsors include: Alpha Lambda Delta, UNH Pride, Kappa Kappa Psi, Marine Bio Club, Caribbean Student Association, Audio Engineer Society, Alpha Phi Omega, MOGAllize, and WHNU. At 6 p.m., the live music will begin in the German Club. Acts include Save Face, Owel, Laura Stevenson, and Broadside.
The show is free to students who have their QR codes, and five dollars for guests .
“Live music is an experience I think everyone should have. Some of the greatest shows I’ve been to have been ones where I didn’t even know the bands, so it’s worth checking out, on the off chance you find your new favorite band,” said MIC Vice President Aj LaGambina.
Head of booking for MIC, Anabell Gonzalez is a fan of Broadside and came up with the idea to reach out to them.
“I was in contact with their booking agent and they sent me a list of different acts and when I saw Broadside, I knew I wanted them,” said Gonzalez. “I previously saw them at Warped Tour and knew they were up and coming. I’ve seen a lot of people on campus wearing their shirts and I’ve heard people talk about them, so I knew they had an audience here.”
During the festival in the quad, Music With a Mission will have student bands playing. One of the co-sponsors, the Audio Engineer Society, provides the sound for MIC’s shows and other events. Most of the members in the Audio Engineer Society are a part of MIC’s live sound committee.
Hardcore Sweet Cupcakes truck will be in the quad throughout the event, handing out free cupcakes. All cupcakes are named and inspired after all things music-related, from musicians to musical terms.
“I have had members help me with booking, others have helped with putting posters together and we voted as a club on cupcake flavors. We purposely chose the date because we knew a lot of our members are in band and would be able to attend. It is also perfect to have it during homecoming,” Gonzalez said.
MIC member Jake Goode booked Save Face and Owel. Jake has been a fan of Save Face for a couple of years and he went to their show. Once he saw their popularity growing, he knew he wanted them on campus.
“The drummer in Owel is my cousin’s best friend. They have really good music I think everyone should hear and they are gaining popularity,” Goode said.
“I think people should go to Fall Fest because it’s going to be a wonderful time listening to music and hanging out. I’m really excited to see how everybody is going to be during it! I really hope everybody is as excited as I am,” said MIC member Sam Angulo.
In the past, MIC has had a really good turnout with a mixed audience from on-campus and downtown New Haven, where the show is also advertised. Last spring, (genre) band Waterparks sold out the German Club. “I expect it a good turnout with a lot of people showing up and having a good time. We hope to get a lot of people coming from the football game and wanting free food and free entertainment,” said MIC president Dan Mayotte.