The lovely ladies of Delta Phi Epsilon of the Gamma Epsilon Chapter at the University of New Haven will be holding their

annual Healthy Body Image and Eating Disorder Awareness week from April 11 to April 14. Known on Campus as ANAD week, this week is in honor of their philanthropy ANAD, which stands for Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders.
Established in 1976, ANAD was the first nonprofit eating disorder organization. This organization seeks to prevent and alleviate the problems of eating disorder, especially including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorders. They strive to educate the general public and professionals in the healthcare field to be more aware of the illnesses relating to eating disorders and methods of treatment. ANAD encourages and provides research to investigate the causes of disorders, methods of prevention, types of treatments, and effectiveness of those treatments.
Eating disorders are widespread and destructive. They cause immeasurable suffering for individuals and their families, and have reached epidemic levels in America. Seven to ten million women and one million men currently have an eating disorder. All parts of society are affecting, including men and women, young and old, rich and poor, all ethnicities, and all socio-economic levels.
Even though eating disorders are rampant in our society, few states in the nation have adequate programs or services to combat anorexia nervosa, bulimia and compulsive eating. Only a small number of schools and colleges have programs to educate our youth about the dangers of eating disorders.
During Delta Phi Epsilon’s ANAD week, they will be trying to spread awareness about having a positive body image and also educating others on what to do if someone you know is suffering from an eating disorder. ANAD is represented by a purple ribbon, so be sure to stop by the table they will be having in Bartels during the week. If you make a donation, you can put your name on a purple paper heart that will alter be hung in the Bartel’s windows. Each donation will also receive either a bracelet or bumper-sticker.
The events for the week will be as follows. Monday, April 11 is “No Make-Up Monday.” The sisters of Delta Phi Epsilon encourage everyone to support natural beauty and to show that everyone is beautiful in their own way. Tuesday, April 12 will be “Wear Purple” to support ANAD. Wednesday, April 13 at 8:00 p.m. in the German club, there will be a personal trainer guest speaker. Following the speaker, there will be the second annual “Work Out with the Deephers” at 9:00 p.m. There will be door prizes of personal trainer sessions, gift cads, DVDs, and much more! To finish off the week, on Thursday, April 14, there will be a Bon Fire in the Bixler/Botwinik Quad at 9:00 p.m. to remember those who have died from eating disorders and show hope for those currently suffering. Come and enjoy music, s’mores, and trail mix.
Always remember, that it is always better to measure your heart, not your waist. Please join Delta Phi Epsilon in supporting a healthy body image.