Marketplace to No Longer Holds IDs

New Sodexo general manager Juan Dominguez and new student ambassador for University Dining Jovan Bloise announced Friday that The Marketplace in Bartels Hall will longer be holding ID cards when students ask for a to-go container, start in the lunch operating hours on Friday, Feb. 22.

This follows an article published in The Charger Bulletin that expressed concerns that holding IDs would cause more problems and would not solve the one it was trying to fix.

The plan to hold IDs was re-implemented at the start of the spring semester, after being active last fall semester. This was before Dominguez took over as general manager.

Dominguez came to the University of New Haven after spending the last 11 years in the same position at Southern Connecticut State University. After just over a month on the job, he decided enough was enough and rescinded the rule.

“The fact that we are taking IDs when students are taking their food to go doesn’t fit any purpose at all,” Dominguez said.

He went on to say that the plan was “interrupting the flow of The Marketplace,” and the idea did not serve any useful purpose at all.

Bloise came into the role of student ambassador for his first day the same day the plan was rescinded, after Dan Simpson or “Dining Dan” concluded his tenure at the university after just over three years in the role.

Many students also agreed that trading IDs for to-go boxes was only creating more problems, not solving any, especially for students trying to get food in their short break between classes.

“It’s a really smart move,” said Jennifer Malson, a freshman criminal justice major. “Collecting IDs really backed up the line, and for kids who were trying to get to class a lot quicker and just grab and go, it was definitely slowing the process down.”

Students also felt it made the dining process not only slower but more disorganized, including freshman criminal justice major, Teresa Quinn.

“It made going to [The Marketplace] more of a hassle,” said Quinn.

The plan to discontinue holding IDs is the first big move for both Dominguez and Bloise in their respective new roles.