LASA President’s Corner

During my freshman year, I didn’t know how to get involved on campus until I saw that the Latin American Student Association (LASA) was having a general meeting. I was very much intrigued, especially because my nationality is Ecuadorian. I was actually born there and immigrated to the United States at the age of two. I grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood and attended a catholic high school that had zero to no diversity. I felt a disconnect between my culture and native language. When I came here to the university, I wanted to get back in touch with my culture and LASA did that for me. I felt welcomed and I met people who had the same experiences as me. Not only did I get to know other Ecuadorians but I learned about different Latin cultures that I never knew about before. I was nominated to become president in my second semester of sophomore year. The reason I took on this position is that I would like to see a change on this campus. I want to educate those around me of the world beyond what is in front of us right now. The many crises happening in Latin America and what is to be Latinx.