The Psi Omega chapter of the American Criminal Justice Association returned home with 17 awards from the 76th annual National Conference held in Nashville from March 21 through 28.

(Photo provided by American Criminal Justice Association)
The trip was beyond a total success, the best performance this club has made in the eight years I’ve been lucky enough to have been their advisor. 28 students and one advisor (myself) took the 15 hour bus trip to Nashville for a full week of competition, programming, seeing old friends, making new ones and having some fun.
The guest speakers were Dr. Bill Bass III who is a forensic anthropologist known for his work on body decomposition and for helping create the “Body Farm” or “Deaths Acre” at the University of Tennessee; Prof David Pauly, retired Forensic Science Officer from the U.S. Army and trainer for Sirchie, who gave a presentation on crime scene photography; and Dr. Sarah Phillips, a biological anthropologist specializing in analysis of human skeletal remains and trauma who presented on blunt force trauma in ancient civilizations in Peru.
Please congratulate the entire club as well as those who made the trip:
Jenna Henning, Shannon Young, Ali Shapiro, Danielle Morgan, Annamaria Primiani, Annalisa Berardinelli, Caisey Calabro, Valeria Diaz, Katelyn Murray, Kelly Dowd, Rebecca Long, Ana Abraham, Jenna Racz, Amber Ferreria, Gabrielle Hartley, Matt Belletete, Tim Muyano, Dave Marucheau, Johnny Houllahan, Tyler Benson, Harrison Kaufman, Mohammad Ramadan, Paul Raffile, Matt Chrusz, Stefanie Perillo, Maegan Moran, Alyssa Turgeon, Jessica Higgins.
A total of 17 trophies came home with us including the coveted Spirit Award which goes to the chapter that best embodies, embraces and represents what ACJA is all about, we come home with trophy almost every year. The competition was serious with about 420 students from around the country competing.
The following is the list of our trophy winners:
1. Gabrielle Hartley (Milford, CT):
– Criminal Law- 3rd Place Lower
– Corrections – 2nd Place Lower
– Police Management – 1st Place Lower
2. Rebecca Long (Portland, Oregon):
– Corrections – 3rd Place Upper
– Juvenile Justice – 3rd Place Upper
3. Johnny Houllahan (Skowhegan, Maine):
– Criminal Law – First Place Lower
4. Alyssa Turgeon (Rochester, NH):
– Police Management – 1st Place Upper
5. Harrison Kaufman (Rockaway, NJ):
– Juvenile Justice – 1st Place Lower
6. Jenna Racz:
– LAE Knowledge – 3rd Place Lower
7. Stefanie Perillo (Bronx, NY):
– LAE Knowledge – 3rd Place Upper
8. Amber Ferreria (Trumbull, CT):
– Physical Agility – 2nd Place Female
9. Psi Omega:
– Spirit Award
10. Psi Omega:
– Talent Lip-Sync – 1st Place
11. Danny Maxwell and John Wilt:
– Talent Group – 1st Place
12. Danny Maxwell:
– Talent Individual – 1st Place
13. Gabrielle Hartley (Milford, CT):
– Scholarship – 2nd Place Lower
These students represented themselves, their chapter, ACJA, the HCLEE College and UNH in exemplary fashion, they continue and maintain the traditon of excellence that comes with that responsibility.