USGA Candidates Run Unopposed


The Undergraduate Student Government Association (USGA) is holding elections for the 2018-19 academic year.

However, the candidates for USGA president, Parker Johnson and USGA treasurer, Ian Maloney, are running unopposed.

So why don’t more students run for a USGA office?

USGA President Nicolette C. Angelli said she doesn’t have a definite answer.

“We have many involved, passionate, and qualified undergraduate students on this campus,” said Angelli. “But I trust that each individual had their own personal reasons for deciding not to run.”

Some students said they do not run for office because of the commitment that being a USGA executive requires.

“Honestly, I think that students are just too busy with all of their school work and other responsibilities to run for something like USGA, which can obviously be very time consuming,” said Hannah Glynn, sophomore national security major.

Danielle Martin, a sophomore criminal justice and legal studies double major, says that perhaps there aren’t more students running because not many understand what it means to be in an executive position.

“There isn’t much information given if you’re not in USGA, and maybe not many members of USGA want a more prominent leadership role,” said Martin.

Candidates for the executive board must meet certain qualifications. A student who wants to run for president or treasurer must have served for two semesters as senator, media head, class representative, or primary club representative. The student must also carry 12 credit hours, have at least a 2.75 GPA, and have completed 57 credit hours by July 1 of the year they will hold office.

“I can imagine that it would look good on a resume, but it’s not worth it if you’re not passionate about it,” said Ariel Williams, sophomore interior design major.

The second debate where Johnson and Maloney will discuss their qualifications and ideas for the university is at 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 20 in Gehring 301 in the Henry C. Lee Institute.