Stop the Catcalling

Catcalling describes when a male or female tries to “talk game” to someone when that someone is minding their own business.

Why is this acceptable? If a man wants to come talk to me, I would hope he would do so  at an appropriate time and not while I’m at the gym squatting, shopping at the grocery store, or walking on Boston Post Road to get to campus.

Maybe people don’t mean to make others feel uncomfortable, but that is how it comes across when they approach others at inappropriate times.

“I was literally at the gym on campus, minding my business, lifting weights, and these three guys came up to me and was asking me if I could handle the weights or if I needed help,” said junior Tatiana Bernal. “I was so uncomfortable, if they wanted to take me out or get my number, they could have waited till I was done with my work out. Just knowing three men were watching me really creeped me out.”

The university is a small campus where the majority of students know one another. We see the same people walking to class every day, walking in and out of the dorms, and gossip spreads quickly. So why does this continue?

“I don’t understand it. It’s not attractive and it does not make me want to pursue you,” said Kiana Quinonez, a junior. “It’s a waste of both our time, not to mention I feel violated afterwards. It feels like getting felt up with someone’s eyes and they’re driving past so what can you do? They take advantage of situations.”

Because the university is on two main roads, students have to cross streets to get to parking lots, bus stops, and restaurants, giving strangers the opportunity to be inappropriate with college students. And for that, TLC couldn’t have said it any better: “I don’t want no scrub, a scrub is a guy…sitting on the passenger side of his best friend’s ride, tryna holla at me.”