I, like nearly all of my peers, have a Twitter account. I don’t use it though. But believe me, I try! It’s not that I can’t understand the technology or interface. I just don’t understand the point.

I originally created a Twitter account with the purpose to use it as I would any other social media outlet, but it honestly kind of freaked me out. Why weren’t more people following me? Did Chelsea just unfollow me because of my 12 tweets chronicling my mood swings yesterday? How can I rearrange my six carrot sticks so that I can take the most appetizing photo?
As a whole, we all probably spend more time updating our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts than we do on more important things like pursuing passions that enrich our lives. People have stopped reading books and now rely on TMZ and gossip magazines for entertainment. We play video games and lead virtual lives through the Sims rather than going out in the backyard to shoot some hoops. For most, more than a few paragraphs of texts have become an odious task to accomplish because we are so focused on diminishing thoughts and concepts into a pretty little package of 140 characters.
Just throwing this out there: if you have an active Twitter account, you’re probably posting too much. Do you really want everyone to know the most intimate details of your life? Really, though, do you think anyone actually cares? In the age of social media, we have all adapted a celebrity ideology and persona where we believe that people are BEGGING for information on our lives.
“What would my 80 followers do if I didn’t post a photo of my outfit from last night’s party??”
I still have a Twitter, which I check every few days or so. I follow news media outlets, coupon and “freebie” pages, comedians, and of course a few people whose constant updates are a source of amusement for me.
Mostly, I guess I’m worried for the future (about nearly everything. I’m one of those freaks). Look at how our society has changed in just the last 20 years. Examine where our focus as a collective was socially, politically and morally only a few decades ago compared to today. It is up to you to decide whether or not technology has directly contributed to this or not.