By Michelle Morra – Guest Contributor
On Apr. 5 through Apr. 7, the University of New Haven Annual Fund SPUD members will be hosting a “Price is Right” Campaign. With the “Price is Right” Campaign, SPUD is hoping to raise awareness about the Annual Fund and what it does. SPUD is aiming to educate the University of New Haven community on the value of alumni giving back to the university.
Starting Apr. 5, there will be price tags up all over campus and the University of New Haven Annual Fund will have tables in Bartels where students will be able to guess how much each tagged item costs. Various prizes will be awarded to students with the closest guesses.
The UNH Annual Fund, including the student Phone-a-thon Callers, raises money from alumni and parents every year to help with student scholarships. The money also funds many of the other activities that go on at UNH. This makes it possible for every student who wants to attend the university to have the opportunities necessary for success.
Part of the Annual Fund is SPUD, Students Promoting Undergraduate Development. Members of SPUD call alumni and parents asking for gifts to help undergraduate students.
With gifts from alumni and parents, the school can provide financial aid and scholarships, gifts to the different academic schools, sports teams, and construction projects on campus.
With this knowledge, hopefully today’s students, who have received donations from alumni, will help the University of New Haven and the students of tomorrow.
For more information about this opportunity, please contact Michelle Morra at