PositivesWhile I have yet to try them, I’m impressed by Jazzman’s new menu of sandwiches and salads. It’s good to get some change every once and awhile so that we aren’t left eating the same things over and over. I’ll be sure to try some of the new selections, as should you! Scrumdiddlyumptious!Keeping on the topic of food, The Hazell Nut Café is open again! It seemed to disappear off the radar for quite awhile but like Backstreet, it’s back–alright! Okay, that was corny. But while I haven’t visited yet (bad me!), I’ve heard rumor that they can now swipe your card, making it much more convenient for students to pay!Hey seniors! 86 days until graduation! Ready or not, here it comes!NegativesI wanted to make sure I thought about it for awhile and I’ve reached this conclusion: “Soundview Hall” is a horrid, horrid name for the new building. It’s ugly to say as it is consonant full and I doubt there is any view of the Sound from that building. The name touts its “panoramic views from many of the apartments.” What panoramic views are there? Downtown Gun-Wavin’ West Haven? “I can see 7/11 from my house!” Big whoop. The name of the building should’ve been something a lot more cohesive with other buildings on campus, not some random name that exaggerates the actual view from the apartments.Ugh, we got spoiled with having last Monday off and now this week seems even longer. It’s only Wednesday and it’s dragging by.