Lately, it seems that people are more obsessed with working out than ever before.

This fall, instead of sweaters and boots, the rising trend seen throughout campus has been workout clothes paired with a cool pair of Nike Free Runs, while our Instagram newsfeeds are covered with “fitspiration” photos.
This rise in exercise is not just a phase; it is a result of the growing varieties of the many different types of exercise offered to UNH students at the Rec Center. One workout in particular that is quickly gaining the popularity of many students and faculty is indoor cycling.
Indoor cycling is done on a stationary bike in a fitness studio. The workout is typically around 45 minutes long with a few breaks added in.
Throughout the indoor cycling class, an instructor guides the participants through various stages on the bike, ranging from warm-ups and slow climbs to uphill sprints. The atmosphere is very upbeat with loud music motivating you the whole way through.
Jackie Hinrichs, one of UNH’s very own indoor cycling instructors, fell in love with the exercise because of the speed, the sweat, and the dedication to working out. “Spinning [indoor cycling] is one of the most rewarding cardio activities you could ever possibly do,” she said.
Here are her top three reasons why you should give it a shot:
1.For those of you who get bored doing the same workouts on a treadmill or elliptical day after day, substituting in a indoor cycling class is a great cardio workout. In a typical indoor cycling class, you burn about 500 calories, which is much more than you would burn on the treadmill for 45 minutes. Also, you control the tempo of the class because the bikes have adjustable tensions, so you can always try to burn more!
2.If you’re looking to get that perfect Kim Kardashian “bubble butt” look without doing 1,000 squats a day, indoor cycling is the workout for you! This workout targets the glutes and the legs and helps build muscle and tone up.
3.Working out is always more enjoyable when it is done with a friend. Having someone next to you motivating you makes you work harder and the time pass faster. In a indoor cycling class, you are never alone.
Aside from the encouraging instructor, you are always surrounded by people with the same goals as you that push you to succeed. It is a great environment to be in!
If any of this appeals to you, Jackie, as well as all the indoor cycling instructors at UNH encourage you to try out a class. Beginners and experienced riders all welcome!