Sigma Chi crowned their new Sig Suit Champion during their annual Sig Suit held on Thursday, October 27 in the German Club to raise money for their philanthropy, the Huntsman Cancer Institute.
To start off the event, the brothers showed a video about their philanthropy to the audience. The Huntsman Cancer Foundation is Sigma Chi’s designated sole preferred philanthropic partner. In The institute praises Sigma Chi chapters claiming they are the generation to end cancer. The institute has made tremendous progress due to the time, money, and resources used to make a difference. The creative and innovative minds entering the professional world should be the last generation to fight this disease. Sigma Chi wants to fund cancer research and believes in their brothers and their abilities to make a difference.
Sig Suit is a pageant where the brothers invite females to raise money for their cause and compete in various rounds in hopes of being named the next Sig Suit Champion. The first round of the competition was dancing, and all of the contestants were escorted out by a brother from the fraternity and did a themed dance. Beach wear was the second round, and the contestants wore different swim and beach day themed outfits along with their escort.
Halfway through the competition, there was a performance by the 5,6,7,8 Dance Team.
Gabby Palmeri, Sargent at Arms for the club, said “This was our first performance of the semester. A lot of us have been affected by cancer personally, so it means a lot for us to participate in this amazing event and to help out anyway that we can.”
The final round of the competition was formal wear, and included the announcers asking the contestants questions about Sigma Chi and the Huntsman Cancer Institute educating the audience on what both stand for.
As the judges were tallying up the scores, the Sigma Chi brothers showed another video. This video was the Five for the Fight Campaign, which shows how five dollars can help cure cancer.
The audience was asked to stand if they know someone who has been affected by cancer. Then they were asked to write the name that person on their hand, and raise it in the air. With all hands raised was very moving and showed awareness about how cancer affects so many people.
The results for the competition were presented afterwards with all the contestants and their escorts on the stage. For most money raised, Sam Carlisto was the winner. For most creative, Shaye Deveau was the winner. And, crowned Sig Suit Champion, was Vanessa Tello.

Tello said, “I never thought I would win, it means so much to me because first off I love these brothers and this chapter, and I love their values and how they live up to the standards of their philanthropy. I can’t wait to keep seeing them prosper throughout the year.”
Sig Suit 2016 raised a total of $2,475 for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. The announcers for the event, Kyle Faucher and Steven Ornstein said, “We really appreciate the support we receive from the campus, and all of the donations. This is a very meaningful philanthropy for all of us, and it means a lot to give back for the people that don’t have resources to get the help they need.” The brothers are grateful for everyone that came to the event and helped to make it a successful night.