Photo by Tyler Wells
On the morning of day two, I woke up with some different symptoms than I had the night before. The sudden shifts of the COVID symptoms are surprising, and what makes this virus so worrying. Locked in my own room, there is only so much to be able to look at when one wakes up.
The body aches are most noticeable early in the day; muscles feel tight as if they are crying to be able to go out and run freely. Pair this with a headache behind the eyes, a sore throat and a cough, and you have a recipe for a bad mood.
The day itself is extremely boring, with excitement being a trip to the bathroom or a brief walk around the backyard for fresh air. It’s a great opportunity to get schoolwork done, but with the wealth of too much time, it is often in excess. There is so much “nothing” that needs to get filled in some way; it is overwhelming.
An oxygen sensor did come in through the mail though, courtesy of my mom, to track any sudden changes to O2 percentages in the body. With this and my thermometer, I am practically a fully functioning COVID pre-detection facility.
Netflix, YouTube and video games make up most of my day as that’s all I really have. It is a monotonous test of mental fortitude, pushing the boundaries of being able to put up with yourself.
Class at 7:05 p.m. is a welcomed escape from the pressing situation, giving an opportunity to focus on something other than the bland walls on all four sides. With the New York Yankees game following this, there is a good four-hour break from the stressors of COVID.
At this point, I know I’ve been exposed, and I definitely show symptoms. I have a test for tomorrow morning, and I must sit idly by while I wait for the results to come.