The University of New Haven Alumni Scholarship Ball is an annual event sponsored to help raise money for the UNH Scholarship Fund. This year’s ball took place on Apr. 17, 2010 in the Beckerman Recreation Center here on campus. The theme for the ball was Give Locally, Impact Globally.

The event attracts alumni, faculty, staff, administration, and students in an effort to not only raise money, but to recognize the accomplishments of distinguished members of the UNH community. This year there were three Distinguished Alumni Honorees. James V. Cassella, Ph.D., the Senior Vice President in research and development at Alexza Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, Lawrence P. Flanagan, the Chief Marketing Officer at MasterCard Worldwide, and Janice K. Sussman, the President of Dance Writers Associates. These honorees are all past graduates of the university who have impacted their companies and the world around them in a positive way.
This year’s President’s Award went to The Louis Tagliatela Family, including Mary and Louis Tagliatela, Sr., Deborah and Louis Tagliatela, Jr., Viola and Stephen Tagliatela, and Patricia Tagliatela. This award was given to the Tagliatela family for their continued support of the University of New Haven and for supporting engineering education programs throughout the state of Connecticut and beyond.
The ball featured many silent auction items as well as a live auction to help raise money. It was surprising and humbling as a student to witness the live auction and see how many people want to help UNH students succeed. Whether they gave $25,000.00 or $100.00 or something smaller, everyone in attendance wanted to help further the education of students who, without the scholarship fund, may not be able to afford a University of New Haven education.
I would like to personally thank everyone who had a hand in planning the event as it was an honor to be in attendance. I would also like to thank the university employees (faculty, staff, and administration) who held up their auction paddle to pledge money toward the fund. I think it is important for the students to know how much you all truly work for us and I hope this reaches at least a few people who reach this conclusion. I wish there were better words to express my deep feeling of gratitude for all that you have done for the students through your contributions at the Alumni Scholarship Ball, but thank you.
From all of us at The Charger Bulletin, thank you to all of the donors who help students at the university!