Wednesday night at 9:00 p.m. in the German Club was the second annual Mr. UNH hosted by the Professional Convention

Managers Association (PCMA), a club on campus who specifically love to host events. There were door prizes, great music, great room design, and lots of fun.
There were seven contestants total for Mr. UNH. They included Alex Woron, Julian Garroway, Jaleel Taylor, Erik Swingle, Mike Rapetski, George Gerosa, and Raymond Ng. Each of the contestants was very talented and did an excellent job for his part in the pageant. There were some very interesting outfits and performances done by these lucky seven that really made this night a huge success.
Like at any other pageant, the guys got to dress up in various costume themes, were asked questions, and were able to show off their talents. The themes included casual wear, the eternally popular swimwear, business wear, and the Celebrity look-a-like wear. The judges were asked their opinion after the business wear, and two of the three did not approve at all of the choices some the contestants made. One judge asked a contestant “would you really go into an interview with no pants?” However, all the talents were beautifully performed, and some included a guitar solo (Rapetski), singing (Ng and Garroway), and interpretive dancing (Taylor and Gerosa).
The celebrity look-a-like part seemed to be a great success with both the contestants and the audience. The two memorable look-a-likes were that of Alex Woron who dressed like Jesus Christ and turned water into wine, and Raymond Ng who sported a shirt that read Jon Gosselin #1. He was interviewed by Kate’s one and only fan.
All of the contestants did a great job, and everyone had a great time. There were two performances done my John Farber and one done by the UNH Step Team that really boosted the audience participation and excitement.
Erik Swingle won Mr. Congeniality determined by the UNH student body and their participation in the Mr. UNH Penny Wars in the Bartels Lobby before the event. Mike Rapetski won third place, Erik Swingle again won second place, and our new Mr. UNH on campus was George Gerosa!
Congratulations to the winners and all of the contestants that participated. They all did a fantastic job. Thank you to PCMA for throwing this wonderful event together, and thank you to the UNH Step Team and John Farber for your excellent performances.